Friday, March 4, 2011

Configuring Bugzilla to use Gmail for Mail Delivery

The mail delivery method for your Bugzilla installation can be configured to send mails out using Gmail

Install Perl module for Gmail

$ sudo /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Email::Send::Gmail"'

Once this module has been installed, logout from Bugzilla and login with your administrator password.

You should see "Gmail" as one of the drop down options in the "mail_delivery_method" in the Email administration page for Bugzilla.

Set the following parameters.

smtpserver :
mailfrom :
smtp_username :
smtp_password : password

Save these changes.

Changes to

$ sudo gedit /var/www/bugzilla/Bugzilla/

Change the following line
    if ($method eq "SMTP") {
    if (($method eq "SMTP") || ($method eq "Gmail")) {

Now your emails from Bugzilla are configured to be delivered via the Gmail account that you setup.


  1. When i file a new bug with this setting i get the following error

    Software error:

    Email::Send::Gmail: error authenticating username at /usr/share/perl5/Email/ line 252

    For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

  2. Make sure that you install "sendmail" and then edit the "" as per the above instructions.
    Also, use an already created genuine account with gmail for setup in bugzilla email settings mentioned above.

  3. Before any email marketing campaign is sent out entirely it is highly recommended that companies test their mailers. This not only allows marketers to identify any problem areas, it can also help them establish which subject lines, content or even colour schemes will be more likely to yield the desired results.

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  4. Works very well, thank you.
    Don't forget to specify valid gmail address (the same as used for SMTP auth) at "mailfrom"

  5. Hey! I liked your article! it was something new! And now I would surely follow your advice! I think your blog is really informative and creative!
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  6. Tried the settings as suggested.. But it dint work. Any firewall settings needs to be changed for this??

  7. On my first try, google gave me a notification of an unauthorized device access, I OK'd it,
    but it still refuses to send
    I keep getting this error

    Email::Send::Gmail: error authenticating username at /usr/share/perl5/Email/ line 252
    For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

    any idea.. would be greatly appreciated.

  8. location could not find please tell me ????

  9. Select Enable and remember to save your settings usually a button on the bottom of any editing screen. The final way to sign in to multiple Gmail accounts, called Multiple Sign-in, is a newer feature of Gmail. gmail support services

  10. mail::Send::Gmail: error connecting to server at lib/Email/ line 256
    I am getting this error.

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